

Low-VOC Hot Melt Adhesives for the Safety of Your Life
Mar 1, 2021

What are VOCs?

VOCs is the acronym for Volatile Organic Compounds. The definition of VOCs is different among countries. They usually refer to the organic compounds that volatilize easily at room temperature. Burning of fuels and gases produced by transportations are the main source of outdoor VOCs. If it's indoors, they're usually produced from building or decoration materials, furniture, household appliances, cleaners, and so on. (Source: Wikipedia)

As the air pollution becomes an increasingly serious problem in recent years, many countries established regulations to govern the air quality and speed up the reduction of the use of VOCs in major industries by promoting greening of industries and improving the quality of the atmospheric environment to protect the health of human beings.

VOCs and air pollution

The environmental trend of low VOCs

The Environmental Protection Administration governs the products containing VOCs, including adhesives and sealants, and sets a limit value of their concentration to reduce the emission of VOCs.
Our core value is to provide environment-friendly, innovative, and safe products and protect the interests of our customers to meet the requirements of the laws and regulations. We pay close attention to the development trend of the market and respond to the demands of the customers and end consumers in a timely manner.
Low-VOC HMA series products 
We introduced the Low-VOC HMA series product into the market and control the concentration at every phase from raw material to production to make products with low volatility and VOC residues. In comparison with other products on the market, the frame and seam sealants provided recently for use in air strainers contain less VOCs while keeping the quality unaffected to provide consumers with organic compound products with low odor and volatility.
In addition, the low-VOC hot melt adhesives have a wide range of applications in the areas closely related to our daily life, such as sanitary devices, packaging materials, filter materials, tapes, mattresses, filter medias, automobiles, and building materials.

Tex Year low-VOC HMA series products

Tex Year VOC test devices controlling the quality for our lives

To provide customers with safe products, we adopt VOC test devices to ensure the products provided for the customers can meet their standards.